Certainly, the payouts for these disasters have increased dramatically. There was roughly $1 billion in damages from these events from Confederation up to the year 2000. We're estimating now that it's about $40 billion since the year 2000. It has gone up quite a bit.
In some basins, flood frequency and magnitude have increased, and in others they've changed in timing, but there is global evidence now that drought frequency and occurrence are increasing. Also, there's direct scaling of rainfall intensity with air temperatures. As air temperatures go up, storms become more intense. That comes out of the calculations, and it also comes out of the observations that we see around the world.
We're seeing this. We're seeing these shifts. I mean, areas that used to get their floods from snowmelt are now getting them from rainfall or rain-on-snow events. That's really problematic for Canadians, because we're getting floods occurring that we're not familiar with. All of our engineering designs go back over a century, from the 20th century's climate, and now we're facing the need for designs that are based on what is still to come.