So it was your former client, Mr. Mulroney, who could tell us what one can buy in the United States with Canadian $1,000 bills. He said he had used them for expenses in the United States.
I'm going to go back to the question that Mr. Thibault and Mr. Ménard tried to raise earlier, because your answer still doesn't convince me.
You are the spokesman of a former prime minister. You are hired to give his version of the facts, and you do it very well. You went before the cameras last fall. You talked about the three $100,000 payments. I look in vain to see where Brian Mulroney might have contradicted you publicly. I can't find it, except when he came here or just before that, when the three $100,000 payments suddenly became three $75,000 payments.
As a communications expert, how is it that, as soon as you referred to three $100,000 payments in the fall, that wasn't immediately the subject of a correction on your part?