The chair is going to rule on this.
Mr. Poilievre has referred to O'Brien and Bosc, specifically the matter of the “Usual Order of Business for Committee Study Leading to a Substantive Report”, and he specifically talked to the step, “Presentation of the report to the House”, which we haven't done yet--and if we keep going like this, I don't think it ever will happen.
What I object to, Mr. Poilievre, is the use of that point of order, which is obviously not applicable at this time, to go back to challenge the chair's ruling on the ability of this committee to deal with this witness. I could also indicate to you that the committee approved the motion, the witnesses, and the summons I issued to bring Mr. Togneri here, notwithstanding that we had the letter from his lawyer and a copy of the ruling from the Information Commissioner's office.
I made that ruling. I made that decision that we are to proceed because we have the right, the authority, and the duty to discharge these responsibilities the committee has adopted, is proceeding with, and is in the middle of. Mr. Togneri is one of the last witnesses.
So I don't want to hear any more arguments about whether or not this committee has the right to do what it's doing. The committee approved it. The chair is following the instructions of the committee and has called the witnesses. I issued a summons with the authority and approval of the committee. The witness is here.
I would suggest to the witness, as well, that to invoke the letter from the Office of the Information Commissioner is no longer a valid reason, because the opinion of the law clerk of the House of Commons is that our work supersedes the investigation and the matters before the Information Commissioner. That is the opinion from the clerk. That is the opinion and the decision that I have taken.
I am now going to go back to questions from Mr. Easter, who still has a couple of minutes left.
I encourage you, sir, not to invoke the matter of the Office of the Information Commissioner. That has been superseded. We are proceeding under the authority of the Parliament of Canada and the members have the right and the delegated authority to do this.
First of all, I'm going to ask all honourable members not to go back over that other ground. To repeat what I said: the decision has been taken. The chair has affirmed more than once today that the opinion of the law clerk and my decision stand. If the committee members believe that the chair is in error in its decision, your option is not to raise a second point of order on the same matter. It is to challenge the decision of the chair.
So if everybody understands clearly, I'm going to go back to Mr. Easter.
Mr. Easter, you still have a couple of minutes.