Thank you. Good morning.
I am very pleased to be here as part of this consultation process and to lend my perspectives to a very important discussion.
Canada, like its global neighbours, is entering a new era, one in which the new global currency is knowledge. As members of this committee, you are well aware of some of the drivers of this: economic growth in countries like India and China; the aging workforce in Canada, North America, and Europe; the rapid transmission of knowledge and information; profound advances in science, technology, and innovation; and the great global challenges that we share—climate change, human security, and so on.
Global leaders have become very aware that the development of successful global economies is contingent upon the critical mass of particular ingredients, with human talent and achievement absolutely at the top of the list, and science, technology, and innovation.
In Canada, good progress has been made. Efforts by the federal government to provide world-class research facilities and attract world-class researchers have been quite successful and are beginning to pay off in terms of stemming the brain drain.
However, there are some warning signs suggesting that without continued and increased funding to research and development, Canada may be on the verge of falling behind its global peers. In September, the World Economic Forum released its annual report on global competitiveness. Four European nations—Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark—assumed the top four spots. Canada did not even make the top ten; instead we slipped from 13th to 16th place. Given today's reality of global competitiveness, this is a great cause for concern.
In response to global challenges, many countries—notably the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Germany—have just in the past year launched new frameworks for funding models, focused on innovation and competition with significant new investment.
In February, the U.S. launched the “American Competitiveness Initiative: Leading the World in Innovation” with $6 billion in 2007 to increase investments in R and D and to strengthen education and encourage entrepreneurship.
What does this mean for Canada? There is no better illustration of the importance of the application of knowledge than right here in Fort McMurray, where the University of Alberta researchers were instrumental in finding a way to harvest the oil from the oil sands. What better example of the benefits of science, technology, and innovation can one find—not just for today, but for what we must do to make regions like this totally viable for the future?
Leading the productivity and competitiveness agenda is a key role for the federal government. The federal government has a critical role to play in post-secondary education, research, and innovation. The success of this agenda is intimately linked to our talented people in research and development, and as a result, to universities. University competitiveness, including those individuals researching in and graduating from the nation's universities, is Canada's greatest ability to tap into the world's current and emerging knowledge pools.
Looking forward, what must Canada do? Canada must define a national goal that stakes out Canada's plan for competitiveness. I would suggest a few principles that could guide the government's actions in this ambition. First, create a world-class talent pool; second, attract the best students, professors, and researchers in the world to Canada and retain our best here; provide access to the best quality education in the world; ensure internationally competitive public investments in research; preferentially invest in areas where Canada has a comparative advantage by virtue of world-class excellence or fit with national need; and encourage increased engagement between the universities and the private sector.
The May 2006 budget included over $100 million in additional funding for granting councils, indirect costs, and tax exemptions. This is a very important investment by the federal government. But in order to be globally competitive, we must look at long-term, increased, stable funding mechanisms for Canada's post-secondary education, research, science, technology, and innovation.
Thank you for the opportunity to present here today. I look forward to answering questions by the committee.