Yes, thank you.
I don't know which order to do it in. The number of trips each year was in the range of 13 to 15 to 20. Let's say it's just a little bit more than a dozen trips a year.
I just wanted to put that in context, if I may. Sometimes they're long. The reason is that we're in a global forum. The meetings I go to are multilateral. We have two summer periods to handle; you have the southern summer and the northern summer, so that squeezes all the meetings into the spring and autumn. That means the international agenda is often quite linked up and countries actually demand that meetings go so that they can be combined, especially if they can be adjacent. That kind of thing is out of our control. It makes a very, very busy spring and fall. That's why some trips are joined together, and they can be quite long.
It's about 150 days a year in the last three years. It has been an extremely busy agenda. One of the reasons is that we're implementing much new regulation and legislation on the fishing side, and the biodiversity side is heating up very strongly because we're coming to a big landmark year in the UN in 2014-15 when the UN Commission on Sustainable Development will look at what's going on in oceans and it will make recommendations. Those recommendations will be very big agenda-setting recommendations. They will be the kind that will have a decade's worth of influence.
So everybody's getting their positions ready and getting the international framework sorted out in a way that will end up in certain directions or other directions. It's quite controversial, and those meetings are heating up. That's where we get pulled into different kinds of defensive interests, as well as offensive interests.
With respect to the minister, I have travelled.... In the case of the trip that was highlighted in the press that took place in APEC, it was a ministerial meeting in Bali, co-hosted by Canada and Indonesia. Minister Regan was the minister's co-chair and I chaired the senior officials' meeting that produced the products that the ministers were adopting. So of course,I was travelling with the minister there. He was there as the ministerial lead.
I travelled with Minister Hearn on what I believe might have been his first international trip when he was a member of the High Seas Task Force on combatting illegal fishing under the auspices of the High Seas Task Force. I had been his senior official preparing for that and I was with him on that. Other times I have replaced him when he's been invited; I went to a high-level segment on his behalf.
In relation to the ministers' tasks, those are the three that I would highlight.