Basically they changed because the federal government threw some money into the pot, for starters, but the money for this group from each province that is studying the market has run out. They're out of money already. They had to spend it by the end of March.
I think they did some good things. I saw some of the work they did in the short period of time they were at it, and they were on the right track. For this coming season, I don't think it's going to serve much of a purpose. For the long term, I don't know if that type of a marketing board is what we need, but we need something that is going to change the whole scope of where they're being marketed.
Obviously there's something wrong with the marketing system right now. My question is what is being done to improve it? It's easy to stay with an old way, but the old way isn't working anymore.
I'll give you an example. A group from Nova Scotia, in this marketing study, went to Alberta. They went to a supermarket that had live market lobsters in the tank. They filmed it, and it showed a housewife going by with her kid who wanted to put his hand in the water. The mother hauled the kid's hand back out of the water, but it was like they were travelling through the zoo. They were looking at these lobsters, and they were interesting and everything, but it was as though the mother was saying let's move on, because we have to go get some Kraft Dinner now. What they realized from it, after they started to interview some of these people, was that people were saying, “I hear lobsters are really good, but I have no idea how to even cook them.”
What came out of the study was simply that they needed a monitor there with a film showing how to actually cook the lobster. They needed a pot somewhere handy that the person could buy to actually cook the lobster in, and maybe a bit of salt, and it might pick up from there.
It's just as one person said--how many people here know how to cook possum?
The other thing is that out there in the world right now is this desire not to touch an animal that's alive. There are groups that are against killing cows, against killing sheep or whatever, and there always will be, but scientists have told us--and I want to make sure that this is good and clear--that they have done studies on lobster, and when you put a lobster in boiling water, it is for a fraction of a second that it actually might even feel anything because it's goes brain-dead instantly when it hits the boiling water, so therefore there is no pain involved for the lobster.