Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I will try to be fairly concise, but it will be difficult because the topics are broad.
The shrimpers are in dry dock in Quebec, as are the pelagic fishers' boats.
All the fishers in this type of fishery warned the department about certain problems, and now they are paying the price for its inaction. David Vardy, who was deputy minister of fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador, told us that we absolutely have to review the stewardship fisheries and breathe new life into them, avoid over-harvesting through legislation, licences and quotas, and encourage offshore boats to return to the sea. I think Ms. David will agree with me when I say that these boats pollute more.
How is it that our decisions don't lead to the same action, for example, as those made in Norway or Finland, countries that are seeing some success? Witnesses have told us that the schemes in those countries are not set up by the federal government, and that this is why they are seeing better results, something which is very much appreciated by separatists.
That said, how could we improve the situation and enjoy better results, similar to those of Norway and Finland?