I completely understand what Mrs. Desbiens is saying.
The study requested by Mr. Perkins in his motion is a very good idea. We have a great deal to learn about safety at sea. I think that Mrs. Desbiens, like me and our English‑speaking colleagues, wants to make sure that this issue is addressed in the study. I'm thinking of your example, Mr. Chair, of someone who is at sea and who calls the Coast Guard.
If I'm drowning, I expect that the people on the other end of the line can understand what I'm saying. I think what Ms. Desbiens is saying here is that we want to make sure that both official languages are also part of the search and rescue call that the Coast Guard receives and that there's a capacity to respond in both official languages.
I'm not sure, Mr. Perkins and Ms. Desbiens, if you want to discuss that and put that forward as an amendment. There's no harm in doing that. It's just respecting both official languages and making sure that we have a person capable of answering a distress call in the language of the people who are calling.
I think that this addresses your concern to some extent, Mrs. Desbiens. The goal is to ensure that the Coast Guard can respond to emergency calls in both official languages. I think that Mr. Perkins would support an amendment of this nature if you were to move one.