Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Minister, I am very happy to have you here at our committee. I also want to welcome the senior officials. It is particularly important to have you here, given the importance of the fisheries for northern and indigenous communities, like the salmon fishery in the Yukon River and its tributaries.
Given the importance of northern fisheries to our northern Yukon communities, I want to focus on Yukon River salmon.
As you may know, Yukon River salmon are in dire straits. Earlier this fall, at the Whitehorse fish ladder, just over 150 salmon made the ladder by mid-September. The 10-year average is 850 for the same period.
Also, according to the DFO Yukon River salmon report:
Similar to previous years, 2019 to 2022, the return of Canadian-origin Chinook salmon will not be large enough to achieve the spawning escapement objectives, nor provide for harvest opportunities in either Alaska or Canada.
I want to ask you where Yukon salmon lie among the priorities of your mandate, first of all.