But most importantly for investors, we have an effective system of rule of law. So an investor goes in, and ICSID is really meant to get at issues of what happens when the investment goes wrong. If everything's going fine, nobody really cares if the government cuts a corner and raises a tax a couple of points. We're making away like gangbusters. That's not the issue. It's when things go off the rails.
So you're right, we don't need it. On your question about giving away some sovereignty, as I said earlier, I think there's no sovereignty being given away with respect to substantive rights. The rights that we are giving away, if you look at the substantive obligations of ICSID, are rights that we shouldn't have to invoke in the first place. They are the ability to behave capriciously and arbitrarily toward foreign investors, the way we wouldn't dream of behaving toward our own citizens. They are the ability to expropriate property without compensation and due process. That's what the substantive rights of the FIPAs and the investment treaties are about.
So in that sense, yes, we have given up a bit of sovereignty. Why? It's because in a civilized world, just as citizens we give up sovereignty through the members of Parliament and Parliament to legislate and impose obligations on us as citizens, as members of the international community we've given up certain obligations to behave in ways that really are not on. That's under the FIPAs and the substantive investment agreements.
In that sense I don't think we're talking about giving up sovereignty substantively, though there was a kernel of truth to what you were saying. That leads into your second question. We like to have things done here. Well, that's true. You might feel more comfortable having things done here, but what do we say to the companies like RIM, like the softwood lumber producers, like virtually any Canadian manufacturer that exports, period, not just to the United States, but overseas? As I recall, our trade with the U.S. used to be 84%. We're down to 70%. So our trade overseas has expanded considerably in the past few years as well.
The Canadian citizens who work in the plants and with the companies that make those exports deserve at least the backing of the government to secure their markets. So when we give up that bit of sovereignty, what we're giving up is we're saying to foreign investors that we will treat their interests as investors in our country according to certain standards that we expect them to treat our investors. And we will subject ourselves procedurally, in a sense, to a process, if you agree to submit to that process as well.
Yes, perhaps it is giving up sovereignty in terms of the process up to a point, just as there was an element of giving up sovereignty in signing the treaty--any international treaty.
To the citizen who says “I'd rather have it done here”, I'd say if your job depended on manufacturing pipe that was being exported to a pipeline in the Middle East, would you like your employer to have certain rights, and would you be prepared to give up that procedure, a bit of sovereignty, to protect your job? My hunch would be that most employees would say, “Okay, when you put it that way, maybe there's an issue.”
Yes, it is giving up sovereignty, but it's giving up sovereignty in a reciprocal and very incremental way that makes sense for Canadians.