Certainly. I'll take this question because when the partnership was established I was at Rights and Democracy.
We established that partnership in 2006. As you remember, this was the period when the commission, which was utterly discredited, was being transformed into the council. In that context, we thought we should have a presence in Geneva at one point, but also to work with the Office of the High Commissioner in order to try to turn this transformation in a way that was positive.
The Human Rights Council has been quite problematic in many respects, in terms of the politicization of certain issues. Our partnership was not on the controversial issues. Our partnership was to strengthen the civil society component that is within the UN. It was relating the special mechanisms to special rapporteurs, for example, on issues like the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food or the special expert on Haiti, to work with them and strengthen that component. It was a three-year partnership that expired this year, on March 31, 2009, and at this point we are looking at the different possibilities for what our engagement should be, if any.