Thank you, Chair, and thank you to our guests.
I want to start off with just a question on Abyei, and the talks in Addis. As people will know, former President Mbeki is the one who is overseeing that, and as recently as yesterday the talks were suspended.
I'm concerned because you have on the one hand the north saying, we'll abide by the referendum calendar, but I think most would argue that with Abyei still sitting there unresolved and with these talks as recently as yesterday suspended, that there clearly needs to be more pressure put on to get those talks going.
I'd ask Mr. Malok and maybe others if you see that as a role for Canada to play, to support Mr. Mbeki and others to get the two parties to get going on these talks. My information as of yesterday is that they were supposed to start tomorrow. They're suspended indefinitely. Is that what you're hearing?
Secondly, is there a role for Canada to play to get the parties back together?