If you don't mind, I will answer in English, to make myself clearer.
I was going to say a little bit on the first part of your question.
CIDA is doing work, first of all, right across the country. Our programming is in all of Sudan. Within that, there are a number of different ways we have of supporting the roles for women in society.
The first thing I want to talk about a little bit is one initiative we have, for instance, that has 19 different projects for supporting NGOs to enhance the roles for women in Sudanese society. And that's right across the country. It's also for women and girls.
Also, I met with two representatives, Rachel Gouin and Eric Chaurette, from Inter Pares, a team we're supporting in Sudan. They're two Canadians who are working with Inter Pares. They're leading on a project that nurtures “action to transform structural obstacles to equitable and sustainable development”. The objective of their project is to promote articulated citizen voice and influence in favour of global justice and peace based on mutual respect, reciprocity, and interdependent diversity. But the main drive is giving a voice to women. On that front, it's been very successful.
They're operating in Sudan through the Gender Centre for Research and Training, which is a research, training, and advocacy institution working to promote gender equality and socio-economic change in Sudan. It's an important point, because within Sudan we have noticed that as an early development country, the notion of advocacy from NGOs is still quite weak. You have basic services being provided through NGOs quite a bit, but the advocacy side, especially on gender issues, still has a way to go. So programs like this one that CIDA has in place are quite strong.
The notion of all of Sudan, I think, is important. You mentioned that there's an awful lot of movement and migration. We want to make it clear that CIDA programming is not solely in Khartoum and Juba. It is spread out right across the region. It is also in the east, for example, and in the north of the country.