Thank you, Mr. Chair. First of all, I'll draw the attention of members of the committee to clause 4 of the bill, which amends section 13 of the act and reads "despite section 11, the bulk removal of boundary waters is prohibited."
The definition of removal appears in subclause 3(2) of the bill and the bulk removal definition reads as follows:
means the removal of water from boundary or transboundary waters and the taking of that water, whether it has been treated or not, outside the Canadian portion of the water basin—set out in Schedule 2—in which the waters are located (a) by any means of diversion, including by pipeline, canal, tunnel, aqueduct or channel; or (b) by any other means by which more than 50 000 L of water are taken outside the water basin per day.
It seems to me that that's pretty comprehensive: any method of taking the water and anything that's not specified, including a pipeline, as I think Mr. Scarpaleggia raised, and it also says by any other means.