Thank you very much for the opportunity to testify today.
My name is Virgil Wiebe. I'm a professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law here in Minneapolis. I appear in my personal capacity.
As a Mennonite, I’ve been blessed to walk in the steps of people who have been raising their voices about cluster munitions since the 1960s and 1970s. By 1975, when the Vietnam War ended, the threat from unexploded ordnance like millions of this small “bombie” or bomblet was already becoming clear throughout the region. I commend the written submission of Mennonite Central Committee Canada as it recounts their experience working with people most affected by unexploded bomblets, especially in Laos. In particular, their calls for legislative implementation of positive obligations should be heeded. Also, as a board member of Mines Advisory Group America, I have travelled to Lebanon and seen firsthand the aftermath of massive cluster munition use there.
As a scholar, I followed the Oslo treaty process closely, including attending the final negotiations in Dublin. I then joined a team of scholars and diplomats to write the Oxford commentary on the Convention on Cluster Munitions, published in 2010. I focused my efforts on the history of cluster munition use and article 1 of the treaty. I also contributed to the chapter on article 21 of the treaty.
Now, to get quickly to a few points. First, clause 11 of Bill C-6 is not simply a restatement of article 21 of the treaty, but it veers in the direction of violating both the letter and spirit of the treaty. The provisions of clause 11 are not unquestionably allowed by the convention. They go beyond any other national legislation in implementing protections for national service members. Quite breathtakingly, clause 11 sanctions the use, stockpiling, and transfer of cluster munitions by Canadian Forces in certain circumstances. A written submission I made last week and also an open letter that was submitted to Minister Baird last year by 26 Canadian scholars spelled out how clause 11 goes well beyond the text of the convention, its context, its object, and its purpose.
In particular, it's important to note that article 21.1 and article 21.2 require Canada to encourage other states to join the treaty and to make best efforts to discourage other states from using cluster munitions.
The principles of treaty construction call for a much narrower interpretation of articles 21.3 and 21.4 than is done in Bill C-6. One example of treaty interpretation tools is that names matter. Article 21 is named “Relations with States not party to this Convention.” During the negotiations in Dublin the drafts of what would become article 21 were called “Proposals on Interoperability.” It was therefore no accident when the final name of the article became “Relations with states not party”. The emphasis was not on interoperability; indeed, that word appears nowhere in the treaty, but on relations with states not party and how to pull them into compliance and even membership in the treaty as well as how to discourage them from using cluster munitions.
Second, existing Canadian law already provides protection for unknowing or unwitting actions by Canadian Forces in joint operations. Last week, General Walter Natynczyk was asked a great question: what would happen to Canadian service members who were in a joint operation and unknowingly or unwittingly participated in the use of cluster munitions if this legislation did not exist? His reply was that:
...Canadian Forces must abide by the law of the land and the code of service discipline applies with criminal law. So therefore that individual or individuals could be subject to prosecution.
With all due respect to the general, I submit that he was wrong. Someone in that situation would not have needed section 11 in order to avoid prosecution. Under both the Code of Service Discipline and the Canadian Criminal Code, offences with the prospect of imprisonment require some mens rea element.
My reading of the prohibition section of Bill C-6, in the context of existing Canadian law—and I'm reading clause 6 of the bill—is that a prosecutor would have to prove that the person in question had the purpose, intent, knowledge, or at least recklessness to commit an offence spelled out in clause 6 of the bill. That person would have been protected from criminal prosecution for his or her unknowing and unintentional assistance in the use of cluster munitions under existing law, without the protection of clause 11.
Thirdly, creating exceptions for the use of cluster munitions may have long-term negative effects on the service members who use or assist in the use of cluster munitions. On the one hand, to, as a nation, condemn cluster bombs while on the other hand then allowing some to use them may well create a profound moral dilemma for those persons during and following conflict.
A colleague of mine has studied the early medieval church and how it grappled with this notion of legally sanctioned but morally repugnant acts. It did so by creating elaborate systems of penance following a soldier’s return from war. We have similar situations now. Some of those who have used and assisted in the use of cluster munitions have later experienced profound guilt and regret. Some have sought absolution and redemption by engaging in the equivalent of penance, including engaging in unexploded ordnance clearance, even decades after the events in question.
Fourthly, there is state responsibility. Excusing individuals for otherwise criminal activity does not necessarily excuse Canadian state responsibility for acts carried out by a Canadian state organ. Principles of state responsibility attribute to Canada actions by representatives of Canada where Canada maintains direction and control of those personnel.
To conclude, I have learned a few terms from the psychologists and social workers with whom I work.
One of those words is “enabler”, which has been defined as one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behaviour by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behaviour.
Through clause 11 of Bill C-6Canada is enabling potentially destructive and unhelpful behaviour by its allies, like the United States, and maybe even by Canada.
On the other hand, a “psychological intervention” has been defined as a concrete action that tries to introduce some changes in a given situation, usually planned and devised according to some previous theory, and adapted to the here-and-now peculiarities.
Canada’s cluster munition legislation should act as the intervention needed for states not party to the convention. It should embrace article 21 in its entirety and use paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 21 to pull countries like the United States in the right direction.
As for what should be done, I can offer some specific suggestions in response to questions. Many of these responses, I acknowledge, I will take from the written submissions from groups like Mines Action Canada, the Harvard human rights clinic, the Canadian Red Cross, and others.
Thank you very much.