Colleagues, it's the end of our two hours, plus we have 25 minutes to get to a vote. I think the ambassador understands that, having been here a few years.
First of all, on behalf of the committee, Ambassador, thank you very much for taking us up on our offer. It was very informative. We'd like to do it on a regular basis, so keep it in mind that when you are in Canada we'd very much like to hear updates on where we're going. Probably all of us in the room agree that China is a very important partner and the relationship that's being developed is of great interest to all of us in many different areas.
As a committee we are also very interested in China with regard to the strategy the government will have dealing with Chinese politicians. As you know, Canada has spent a great amount of time sending its political team to the U.S. Around this table we think that would be a good strategy for China, so we are looking at that very thing as a committee, of going to pay you a visit some time in the not-too-distant future.
On behalf of the committee, we very much appreciate your time. Obviously we wish you the best of luck because it's extremely important to Canada.