First of all, it was at a moment when the world needed it. It was a moment when the COVID crisis had just hit and we needed to come together as an international community.
Thank God I had a chance to collect some of these numbers before the COVID crisis hit, because these numbers were very useful to me when we wanted to repatriate Canadians and bring people home. The foreign ministers' COVID committee was really to bring best practices and ideas, to have a chance to see what's going on. For example, we learned good things from South Korea and Singapore. We were hearing this because, as you know, the COVID crisis hit them before us, just like in Italy.
We could share best practices, for example air bridges, where we could work together in establishing the supply chain and making sure there would be transit. As you remember, when we were trying to repatriate people, we said that if everyone is closing their airports and their borders, there's going to be nowhere we can repatriate our citizens.
We've been working together and we've continued to engage. I think it's the 13th time we have had these discussions among foreign ministers. This is Canada leading in the moment. When leadership was needed, we rose to the challenge and we created a group.