Mr. Chair, I would like to propose an amendment to G-1. I will read what the amendment would be:
That Bill C-281, in Clause 2, be amended by replacing line 12 on page 1 to line 2 on page 2 with the following:
“in every calendar year, a report that includes
(a) an outline of the measures that the Minister has taken to advance human rights internationally as part of Canada's foreign policy;
(b) a list that sets out the following information relating to prisoners who are detained or experiencing other treatment in contravention of international human rights standards and for whose release the Government of Canada is actively working:
(i) the number of prisoners detained by each government or detaining authority,
(ii) the circumstances of the detentions, and
(iii) the efforts that the Government of Canada has made to visit prisoners and to attend their trials or hearings, including the number of requests made for such visits and the responses of the detaining governments or authorities”.
Mr. Chair, I'm bringing this forward because I think what we see in this room is that the government has brought forward an amendment that would take out the obligation to provide a list. We agree that we need to protect the safety of those who might be on that list. I think nobody in this room wants to see prisoners or detainees harmed because they were included on the list. However, this does give us more of the information we require so that we as parliamentarians are able to do our job and that families are able to get the information they require.
This is very much based on some of the testimony we heard. Changing that list of names to the number of prisoners detained was suggested by Alex Neve. This is because of the fear that naming the prisoners could cause harm. It also gives us more accountability to those families, and that is something that we heard was sorely lacking with the government response to date.