Thank you, Mr. Chair, and my thanks to my colleagues from the House of Commons for inviting me. Thank you for the opportunity to address the subject of Shared Services Canada.
With me today are Liseanne Forand, the president of Shared Services Canada, and Grant Westcott, the chief operating officer.
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss Shared Services Canada with the members of the committee.
Joining me today are Liseanne Forand, President of Shared Services Canada, and Grant Westcott, Chief Operating Officer.
Madame Forand has a distinguished career in the public service and was the COO of Service Canada before joining us at Shared Services Canada. Mr. Westcott comes to us from the private sector. He was the executive vice-president of technology infrastructure for CIBC, for the global bank.
Shared Services Canada was established earlier this year to reduce duplication in Government of Canada information technology, or IT, infrastructure services, to modernize the way we deliver services to Canadians, and to improve the security of federal IT infrastructure. The Government of Canada is the first national government to undertake such a fundamental IT transformation. Consolidating our IT infrastructure is the smart thing to do. We will be guided in this initiative by our duty to provide good service and our commitment to value for taxpayers' hard-earned dollars.
Consolidating our IT infrastructure is the smart thing to do. We will be guided in this initiative by our desire to provide good service to Canadians and save taxpayers' hard-earned dollars.
Of course, the case for taking this direction could not be more persuasive. As committee members are no doubt aware, the Auditor General has raised concerns about aging IT infrastructure within the federal government.
In the spring 2010 report, it was noted by the Auditor General that many IT systems “are supported by old infrastructure and are at risk of breaking down”. The report stated, “A breakdown would have wide and severe consequences—at worst, the government could no longer conduct its business and deliver services to Canadians.”
As part of Budget 2010, the Government of Canada committed to a review of its operations to identify opportunities for administrative savings and improving efficiency while also improving delivery of services to Canadians.
The administrative services review, as you know, focuses on administrative and overhead costs. This is a commitment to transformation and modernization. While it is a key part of restoring budget balance, it also provides a unique opportunity to enhance the mission-critical IT infrastructure that enables the government to deliver services at a lower cost.
Before Shared Services Canada was created, every federal government department and agency set up and ran its own IT infrastructure. This produced cumbersome and expensive infrastructure: 100 e-mail systems, 300 data centres, and over 3,000 networks across government. Simply put, our IT systems overlap, they are outdated, and they are inefficient. The government is years behind the private sector when it comes to IT modernization, but when we are finished, I believe we will be a world leader.
Enterprise-wide IT consolidation has been studied in other levels of government and the private sector and has been proven to yield efficiencies and savings. As part of our due diligence, Public Works and Government Services Canada contracted with PricewaterhouseCoopers to undertake a data centre feasibility study. The study was aimed at identifying potential actions to improve the efficiency of data centre management and service delivery.
Recommendations from this study were considered, along with a wealth of real-world experiences from other governments and private sector companies, in charting our government's course. Other governments and private sector companies have demonstrated that streamlining and consolidating in the areas of e-mail, data centres, and telecommunications is indeed the smart thing to do, and they are reporting substantial savings and efficiencies. Modern efficiencies lead, of course, to better service to citizens.
The Government of British Columbia, for example, began its consolidation in 2002 and reduced its data centres from over 100 to two data centres by 2011. As a result, energy costs alone are expected to be 50% lower. This is a proven model of success and is considered an industry standard.
I would encourage the committee to consider the experiences with shared services consolidation of organizations such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, or the Canadian banking industry. The opportunities before us—namely, the ability to make the federal government's IT backbone safer, greener, and more efficient, as well as simpler, more modern, and sustainable—are long overdue.
Between 2006 and 2008, Hewlett-Packard, for example, has gone from 85 data centres to six globally, generating significant savings and resulting in greener data centres. The Government of Ontario reports that, at maturity, their IT consolidation is saving $100 million annually, representing 10% of total IT spending and between 20% and 25% of IT infrastructure spending.
In short, the on-the-ground experience acquired by both the public and private sectors indicates that there are important and real savings to be achieved through IT consolidations such as the one we have launched. This is about transformation and modernization.
Going forward, we are intent on maintaining productive relationships with our employees. They are very talented people who understand how we can achieve our objectives to transform the way the government does business to better serve Canadians. It was encouraging to learn that the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada supports in principle the streamlining and standardization of the government's IT systems to achieve efficiencies and cost savings, as well as the creation of Shared Services Canada.
As the minister responsible, I am confident in how we are creating this fundamental change. Shared Services Canada officials are actively implementing their strategy to engage employees, the IT sector, and client departments. Their governance model has been completed and is in the implementation stage.
Public Works and Government Services Canada employees who were already supporting IT infrastructure services became Shared Services Canada employees on August 4. Responsibility for e-mail, data centres, and network services in 42 other departments and agencies was transferred to Shared Services Canada in mid-November.
The new senior management structure of Shared Services Canada has been announced. The transition plan that will guide Shared Services Canada to become a stand-alone department by April 1, 2012, is well under way.
I am very excited about what we're going to accomplish and I am confident that this initiative will produce savings and reduce the government's ecological footprint, while strengthening the safety and security of government data. It will also create efficiencies by realizing economies of scale and making it more cost-effective to modernize services, while improving infrastructure and service delivery.
I want to add that we are committed to ensuring that this initiative contributes to the deficit reduction action plan.
Information technology is essential to supporting our business and delivering services to Canadians, but it costs taxpayers more than it should. We can do better. Like other departments, Shared Services Canada will identify 5% and 10% savings for consideration by the government, including areas in which it will streamline and save. The results of this work will be reported in Budget 2012.
We will move to one e-mail system. This will save money and make it easier for Canadians to find the people they need to contact and for public servants to conduct their work. Information technology should support accountability, and we are determined to make sure it does.
We will save more taxpayer dollars by reducing the overall number of Government of Canada data centres and ensuring those that remain are robust, secure, and energy efficient. Over the medium term, this will mean reducing the number of data centres from over 300 to fewer than 20, while shifting to more modern and efficient systems.
We are also committed to reducing the number of networks that connect to data centres and to streamlining networks in our buildings.
To support this work, and when it makes sense to do so, the Government of Canada will pursue public-private partnerships.
In conclusion, our approach to IT is modelled on proven success in both the private and public sectors and is the smart thing to do. It's the safe thing to do, it's also the green thing to do, and it is the sustainable thing to do.
Canadians rightly expect our government to manage taxpayer dollars in a fiscally prudent and responsible manner. l am confident that the establishment of Shared Services Canada will result in modern, reliable, and secure IT infrastructure services at a reduced cost to the Canadian taxpayer.
After examining the evidence and hearing the witnesses, l'm sure you will agree with me.
l would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.