Thank you for the question.
This is something we have been looking at since the 2012 budget. You may recall that already, in the 2012 budget, there was reference to the government's desire to expand the use of telepresence and other technologies of that nature.
From the outset, following our typical methodology, we wanted to do an inventory of everything that existed in the government. We went to look in all the departments to see what investments had been made and what assets we had. We discovered that a lot of investments had actually been made in the Government of Canada in the area of videoconferencing and telepresence, but those investments had been made in isolation. For example, there might be several videoconference rooms, but people did not know where they were. The people in the various departments could not make common use of the available rooms.
So we have proposed to organize the use of all of this equipment that was available to us a lot better. For example, we are going to prepare a government-wide directory so that people can easily see where the rooms are located, who they belong to and how they can use them.
However, there are gaps to be filled. Some departments are not very well equipped. We might be able to add more equipment in some places or some cities in Canada. We have proposed to use this $20 million to fill the gaps discovered. For example, since the departments whose headquarters are located outside the national capital region use videoconferencing and telepresence much more than the other departments, we are going to make sure they have the resources they need.