Well, when I look at the public service aspect, I get a lot of sensitive information that comes into my mailbox, and I know a lot of other people who are making transactions. The difference with contracting out to retail is it's not just about paying for a service. You're also paying for confidentiality. You're paying for legal preservation. I saw two voters' cards in two voters' envelopes with their PINs on them that were improperly placed on a mailbox in a seniors' apartment, and the first thing you want to do is return them to the post office, but it's actually breaking the law to even touch them.
These employees are also entrusted. It's a position of trust as well, because you're dealing with confidential material that should be protected and legally is protected, so when you want to talk about farming that out, are you getting people who understand the legal and fiduciary obligations that come with those roles, obligations that a public employee would be held to?