Once again, it's very difficult to say because each department is different.
There are also significant differences between departments in the classification of analyst positions. This is a problem in itself, because departments treat analysts differently, with some classifying them in administrative services and others in program administration. As a result, the transfer of knowledge and skills can sometimes be difficult. The Canada Revenue Agency has excellent online training for its own analysts, but it can't be offered to analysts at National Defence, for example, because it doesn't deal with the same type of information at all.
It's very difficult to know how many analysts departments and agencies need. Each year, each has its own statistics. So it's possible to know how many requests each has received per year, how many of these have been fully answered, and how many still need to be processed. If the number of outstanding requests continues to increase, that's when alarm bells should ring, because it means we're not going in the right direction.
Sometimes it's enough to have additional resources for a year. Consultants can work for us, and that's a great help, but it goes without saying that this is a temporary solution.