Thank you.
Thank you. I am pleased to appear before you to discuss our requests for funding in the main estimates for 2021‑2022, as well as the departmental plan 2021‑2022 for Public Services and Procurement Canada.
With me today are deputy minister Bill Matthews, associate deputy minister Michael Vandergrift, and chief financial officer Wojo Zielonka.
As the department that acts as a central service provider to other government departments, PSPC is responsible for a multi-faceted and broad mandate.
Mr. Chair, as you know, PSPC continues to play a pivotal role in fighting the pandemic. Our goal right now is to get as many COVID-19 vaccines into the country as soon as possible. Thanks to a diverse portfolio of vaccines that we began building as soon as vaccine candidates showed promise, we are making progress.
As of today, more than 28 million doses of Health Canada authorized vaccines have arrived in Canada. The provinces and territories have administered more than 24 million doses. More than 66% of all Canadian adults have received at least one dose. In fact, as of today, Canada leads the G20 in terms of percentage of the population with at least one dose of vaccine. I continue to push our suppliers for more vaccine doses to be delivered earlier than scheduled.
Members may also be aware that we are already planning for the future, having established a contract with Pfizer for doses in 2022 and 2023, with options to extend into 2024. The agreement provides us with 65 million doses with access to up to 120 million more.
All of this is the result of teamwork across the Government of Canada, work that will continue until the pandemic is behind us.
At the same time, as outlined in this year's departmental plan, PSPC, Public Services and Procurement Canada, will continue to deliver on the government's other commitments, such as promoting diversity and inclusion, addressing climate change, and stimulating the economy.
One of our top priorities remains the implementation of the National Shipbuilding Strategy. We are making significant progress. However, shipbuilding is a complex business, and we must continuously improve.
We continue to deliver ships to the Coast Guard and the Royal Canadian Navy. In the process, we are growing Canada's shipbuilding industry, which contributes $1.4 billion to the country's gross domestic product and sustains approximately 12,000 jobs each year.
We will continue to work with National Defence, the Canadian Coast Guard and industry to renew Canada's federal fleet of combat and non-combat ships.
As outlined in our plan, we are taking new approaches to federal procurement. We plan to grow participation from businesses led by indigenous peoples, Black and racialized Canadians, women, LGBTQ2 Canadians and other underrepresented groups, building on successful pilots and enhanced outreach efforts to these business communities. This is a priority for me personally.
Our modernization efforts also include moving forward with a new and innovative cloud-based electronic procurement solution. The solution called CanadaBuys allows businesses, big and small, to bid more easily on tender opportunities and manage contracts and orders for goods and services from the government. I can tell you that we have already been using CanadaBuys for procurements related to COVID-19, such as gowns and cloth masks.
These are only a few of our priorities for 2021-22. To achieve these bold undertakings and support the government's work, PSPC is requesting over $4.4 billion in the 2021-22 main estimates. This represents a net increase of $443 million over last year's main estimates.
Of that amount, $285 million is for real property repairs and maintenance, which will help us protect asset integrity; continue advancements in sustainability, carbon neutrality, and accessibility, in addition to protecting the health and safety of public servants during and after the pandemic.
This has been an unprecedented time in Canada's history, but we can now see a way out of this pandemic. As we continue to support Canada's response to COVID-19, my department will keep working to provide the other essential services that Canadians expect from us.
In closing, I look forward to working with my fellow parliamentarians and our dedicated public servants to move these plans forward.
I would like to thank profusely our interpreters for their incredibly hard work not only today but throughout the past year during the pandemic.
Thank you. Merci. Meegwetch.