Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Wernick—and also thanks to Ms. Bonin—for your tremendous public service to Canada, our country, and for your exceptional work.
I want to say, Mr. Wernick, that I do have a copy of Governing Canada. I'm about three-quarters done. Thank you so much for writing that guidebook. Especially for new people who arrive on the Hill, that really is an excellent source of guidance. My only gripe with it is that it has a very small section on parliamentary secretaries, which I'm hoping the next edition rectifies.
This is the eleventh meeting that we've had studying McKinsey. It reminds me of the movies Ishtar and Green Lantern because there's a tremendous cast of characters—star-studded—and a lot of fanfare and anticipation about what this study is going to yield, what entertainment and what value it will provide. However, all it has done is lead us to a collective, profound yawn. There really haven't been any major insights or enlightenment from these eleven meetings. We've learned a lot about outsourcing. We have an outsourcing study that's on the books. It's too bad we couldn't simply continue with that. However, it is what it is.
Mr. Wernick, could you pick up the thread of some of the conversations about the public sector and the public service and the tremendous work our public servants do here in Canada and how we can help them out? You mentioned in one of your articles, dated this year, the following:
To improve the way the public sector works, governments should always invest in ways to bring in fresher and more objective perspectives and advice, challenge incrementalism and orthodoxy and help the public service craft implementable options for governments to consider.
Is it fair to say that bringing in consultants with experience working in the public sector and having best practices from around the world is one tool in the tool box in order to be able to achieve what you described in this quote?