I just want to address some of the statements made. The Liberal MP moving this amendment said that he opposes this production order because he wants to stick to the facts. This order would get the facts. This production order, if passed, would produce the documents. I don't imagine there's a lot of editorialization in the documents. I'm not sure if the Prime Minister is going to write a cover letter with the documents to put some of the government's spin on it. The contract itself would be the fact, and that should speak for itself. That's the part that's so puzzling here.
They're saying there's misinformation out there. Okay, what's wrong, and who's wrong? The local union rep said that there were qualified Canadian workers who could fill those jobs, but they would be left in the cold as taxpayer-funded foreign replacement workers come to fill jobs that should otherwise go to Canadians. Is he wrong? The police representative said that they were asked to prepare for up to 1,600 foreign workers to come in to the Windsor area. Was he wrong? Is the reporter who first cited the number of 1,600 wrong? Is it closer to 1,200, or is it closer to 2,000?
There could very well be some details being discussed publicly that could be off the mark. What better way to ensure that we're all dealing with facts than to get the contract itself and to see exactly how many jobs the Liberal government guaranteed would go to local Canadian qualified unionized workers and how many jobs it allowed the manufacturing company to fill with workers who would come from overseas? Once we get the contract and once we can see it, then we can have a conversation about whether it's letting in too many replacement workers and whether Stellantis needs more. We could actually have a discussion based on the facts once we get the contract in front of us.
This comparison to the production order passed in another committee is totally bogus, because it doesn't count if you can't inform the Canadian people themselves. Basically, what they're doing is like what they've done, by the way, in many other instances where they said they will allow the actual information to be shared with parliamentarians, but they're going to force them to keep it secret. They will to let them look at the contract, but they can't take notes. They can't talk to anybody else about it. They can't inform Canadians as to where their tax dollars are actually going. That's no way to run a government.
Then, I'd like to address the idea that somehow sharing this information with the public would somehow be injurious or would damage the overall deal. The government chose to make Canadians shareholders in this deal by signing this contract. If we put ourselves in the shoes of shareholders in a private sector company—let's take Stellantis as an example—and if we owned shares in Stellantis, we could show up at an AGM, and we could demand to see the details of the contract. We could demand to know what the board of directors had decided to do with our investment dollars. It would only be fair for taxpayers to have the same rights as Stellantis shareholders because taxpayers are the shareholders on the government side of the equation.
Informing Canadians what has happened with their tax dollar should be just as important as Stellantis shareholders knowing what has happened with their investment dollars. Why should the Canadian taxpayers be treated almost as second-class shareholders versus what the shareholders in the private sector company have as their rights? Why should Canadian taxpayers have fewer rights to get to the bottom of this decision than Stellantis shareholders have?
That's what Conservatives are fighting for here. We're fighting to get the facts. We're fighting to protect the interest of tax dollars. If the government is so proud of what it's done, and if it's so sure this is a good deal for Canadians, then it's certainly not acting like it. It's acting like it's embarrassed of this. They're acting like they're afraid of what's going to come to light.
If I were in the shoes of my Liberal counterparts, I would be eager to get this published. In fact, I think my Liberal counterpart actually said he wanted more Canadians to know about this deal. That's great. Let's make sure every Canadian knows every aspect of this deal. Let's publish the contract and—this brings me to the actual amendment itself—let's make sure this motion actually comes to fruition and actually gets results. We've seen too many examples where there have been orders like this that don't include an enforcement mechanism and the government just ignores it.
We've seen them say things. Remember, with the SNC-Lavalin scandal, they said they were going waive attorney-client privilege, but not for cabinet confidences. We still don't actually know what type of pressure was applied to Jody Wilson-Raybould during that whole scandal because even in that example they refused to waive all cabinet confidences.
We've seen this with the McKinsey production orders. Remember that sordid affair? The government failed to comply with production orders to get to the bottom of McKinsey's role in government consulting, its involvement in big pharmaceutical companies and the role it played in causing the opioid crisis.
It seems like there's a lot of agreement that the facts should come to light. We're all agreed on that. It sounds like the Liberals at least pretend they are. They claim they are. They said it. We all agree on that.
We should all agree on the important role that committees play, as parliamentarians and if we take off our partisan hats. No matter what the order is, once a committee adopts it, we should all agree, even if we voted the wrong way on it, that the will of the committee should be respected. When Parliament exercises its privilege on behalf of Canadians and on behalf of Canadian taxpayers to inform the public as to what has happened with the tax dollars, we should all agree on that principle as well.
If we agree that the facts need to be made public, that the work of parliamentary committees is important as they pass motions and issue instructions and production orders, and that those orders should be respected, and if we agree with the important role that Parliament plays in protecting tax dollars and informing the public as to decision making, this should pass unanimously. Unamended, this should be a routine motion. We should have talked about this for maybe five minutes and then moved on with the committee's work because we all agree on those principles—unless there are some people on the committee who are pretending they agree with those principles, but in reality they are not and it's just a phony smoke screen for covering up the Prime Minister's error on this.
I hope my colleague, the NDP member who opposed this motion, will have some time to reflect on what the problem would be with passing it unamended and in its original form. I really do think it achieves the objectives he stated.
I know we're coming to the end of the allotted time here.