Thank you. So at 5:15 today we're going to suspend the meeting and deal with some committee business that has to be attended to.
I would also like to remind members to please submit your lists of subjects that you would like the committee to study to the clerk by Wednesday, February 18. Just forward it to the clerk's office, and they will bring all of the lists back to committee.
Today, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and our study of the departmental expenditure plans for Health Canada and related agencies, I would very much like to welcome the members of Assisted Human Reproduction Canada: Beth Pieterson, the executive director; and Elinor Wilson, president and chief executive officer.
We have representatives from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research: James Roberge, chief financial officer; and Pierre Chartrand, vice-president of research. We welcome you.
We also have, from the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Brien Benoit, the chairperson; and Barbara Ouellet, the executive director. Welcome to you as well.
And we have members from the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission: Mary Hill, assistant vice-president, corporate services and adjudication branch; and Sharon Watts, president and chief executive officer. Welcome.
We are more than privileged to have you very learned people here today to really add to our committee.
We will start the questioning now with Dr. Bennett, for a seven-minute round.