That's certainly an issue they have raised. In the health community, contraband is one of a number of issues. As I said in my remarks, tobacco control, to be effective, requires a multi-faceted approach. While we need to be paying attention to contraband, we need to be paying attention to all the other things that we know will actually help people quit smoking and help prevent young people from starting to smoke.
The best way to deal with contraband is to help people not smoke in the first place or to quit smoking; therefore, they're not using cigarettes, contraband or legal. That requires a comprehensive approach of controlling advertising, pricing, access, and a whole range of things.
Again, I think moving ahead on health warning labels is important to do while we look at other things. It's important to communicate with young people while we move ahead on what's appropriate on contraband and while we continue to make sure that the taxation on cigarettes is appropriate. It's a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach.