That's a very good question. We have to triple the amount we put into clinical trials to be comparable with other countries.
Second, right now to get a clinical trial started after you get funding, you have about 100 separate steps. For a large clinical trial, those steps cumulatively add up to about a million dollars. For an academic investigator to do that is difficult. Industry has the resources and the manpower to do it.
Third, we need to leverage money from industry. By having more money in the pot from public sources, we can come up with a mechanism of 2:1 funding: For every $1 the government puts in, we could leverage $2, and most of that $2 would come from outside the country. We have raised about $1.5 billion over the last 25 years from a variety of sources, with 80% of the funding coming from industry, yet we've answered questions that are related to public health. That's leveraging.
The last point is what you mentioned—that we'll have to wait and see whether prolonging patent life will lead industry into putting more money into research in Canada. I think it's more likely that there's more public health money that could be leveraged.