With great trepidation, I'm going to continue the conversation along that vein. I think Mr. Davies asked a very good question, and I think your answer was very illuminating. The reason I say “with great trepidation” is the proviso that no one wants to impute or cast aspersions upon any parent. I know Mr. Doherty would agree with this, as well. As you mentioned, the death of a child is a tragedy beyond measure.
I think the point you made in your final answer in responding to Mr. Davies is that what often happens is that if you believe a claim about a product but that claim is unverified or unsubstantiated, it can have tragic consequences. It's not like a belt and suspenders in that you take a natural health product and a product that has undergone scientific rigour and study to make a validated claim. People usually pick one or the other.
I can see the attraction and why people would want to take natural health products. People are very concerned about what goes into their bodies, and so on and so forth. That's a very current view in Canada, and it has existed for a very long period of time. I'm not going to call into question what people's intentions are.
However, it seems to me that the minimum we would want to do to ensure that Canadians are safe, especially when it seems to having the same type of adverse.... As you said in answer to my last question, if the number of people who have adverse reactions to prescription drugs is the same as for natural health products, then you would want to make sure the claims made about those natural health products, or the ingredients of those natural health products, are clearly defined, so that people can understand what they're taking and make sure they know what's going into their bodies. Is that a fair comment to make?