Thank you very much, Chairman.
This is one of those moments in my parliamentary career that I find the most disturbing. For anybody who happens to be listening to the proceedings of this committee and for all my colleagues, I'll explain this in some detail, Mr. Chairman.
I have had the distinct honour and pleasure to serve in a variety of roles, as have most members of Parliament, during the 13 years I've been an MP. Many of those roles were in a caucus officer position. I think I speak with some knowledge of how this place, this Parliament of Canada, this people's House, operates.
It's been my understanding, whether it's a majority government or the minority government we're presently faced with that Canadians have elected to represent them in the House, this place can only work through mutual respect, trust, and honour. While only members of Parliament who have been admitted to the Privy Council have the term “honourable” in front of their names—and I'm very privileged to have had that bestowed upon me in February—I've always believed that every member of every party, and even independents, operate honourably.
I believe that while this motion in and of itself would be viewed by members of the general public and probably by members of all political parties as somewhat innocuous, on the changes to the Standing Orders that were negotiated during the last Parliament, all four parties were involved in the negotiations and discussions. They came into effect on February 18, 2005, in the last minority Parliament. They had an expiry date at the time they were put into place.
I'll read the section: “That these Standing Orders come into effect at 11:00 o’clock a.m. Monday, March 7, 2005 and remain in effect for the duration of the current parliament and during the first sixty sitting days of the succeeding parliament.” That was the 38th Parliament, which was the current Parliament.
As I've said, during my tenure in the House I've had the pleasure, and some might say the advantage, of being in various caucus officer positions. I was the opposition House leader at the time these came into place. I'm well aware of and was privy to the discussions that took place at that time. There would normally be six people sitting on this committee who were privy to the discussions and conversation that took place at the House leader and whips meeting, the regular weekly House leader and whips meeting that took place on Tuesday, September 19, when this was discussed.
Mr. Chairman, getting somewhat advanced in years, my memory isn't always perfect, but I think I have a pretty good understanding of what was agreed to at that meeting of House leaders.
As I said, and I'll relate back to my first comments during this intervention, I strongly believe this House has to operate on honour, trust, and respect.
As I recall, the conversation surrounding an extension of these standing orders went something like this. The government House leader, Mr. Nicholson, raised the issue. It had been raised previously, I think by the Bloc Québécois, if I'm not mistaken, at a previous meeting. They had indicated that they were concerned, as I think all parties were, that given what I'd read earlier, there was an expiry date built into the House order or the motion when the standing orders originally came into existence. There was this expiry date looming, and we had discussions at a couple of meetings.
On Tuesday, September 19, the House leader raised the issue, and we had a pretty good discussion about it, and we came to an agreement. That agreement was that we would temporarily extend the standing orders so they wouldn't come up against the 60-day expiry date and just kind of fall by the wayside somewhat inadvertently, one might say. So we agreed to extend it.
Furthermore, we had some concerns about some of these standing orders. We felt that most of them could be agreed to, probably unanimously agreed to. But what was eventually agreed to by all parties at that meeting was that we would ask our senior parliamentary assistants to meet, obviously sooner rather than later, to see if there was agreement on those standing orders and on which ones we suspected we could have unanimity relatively quickly.
The House leader, Minister Nicholson, was prepared, subsequent to that, to move the necessary motion in the House and get it adopted quickly. Once the staff had met, if there were some who felt it required further discussion, each of the parties could formulate an opinion and do some research on it and on any possible ramifications, either intentional or inadvertent, that would come about because of the permanent adoption of those standing order changes. And we would proceed with further discussion on it.
I well remember that some of my first discussions, Mr. Chairman, at the House leader level or the whip level, were under the chairmanship of Don Boudria, who no longer is a member of Parliament here but who served the Liberal government--in fact, I think successive Liberal governments--as their House leader. I do not recall one single instance, in all those years, despite having a majority, when Mr. Boudria broke an agreement that was made at a House leaders' meeting. He believed so strongly in the fact that the management of the House, and the discussions and negotiations that take place every day in this place to try to further the interests of Canadians at large, is so reliant on the trust and respect and honour of members, that he would never break his word. And I never saw him break his word.
I have tried to uphold myself in these various roles I've had over the last number of years in the same manner, despite the fact that Mr. Boudria is a Liberal and I am a Conservative, Mr. Chairman. Set that aside. This place can only operate if we trust and respect each other and if our word is our bond. We can't have everything in writing. When we agree to something, it has to be an agreement, or the place will cease to operate and it will become completely dysfunctional.
Many Canadians, I'm sure, when they watch proceedings here some days--maybe many days, unfortunately--would probably argue that it is dysfunctional. But it would be a lot more dysfunctional if there weren't this trust and respect between members of Parliament. Despite our partisan political differences and our different viewpoints, when we come to an agreement, especially at the level of the House leader or the whips or the deputy House leaders or the deputy whips.... All these positions are key to the ongoing management of the House itself and its committees and the very parliamentary precinct that we inhabit when we're at work here.
I must say, Mr. Chairman, that to me this is a shameful day. As I said, people might look at this and might say, well, what's the big deal? There probably will be general agreement on these changes to the Standing Orders. So if Madam Redman's motion were to be put to a vote at this committee and passed and adopted by the House “forthwith”, as it reads, what's the big deal?
The big deal isn't with the motion, Mr. Chairman. In fact, we don't know at this point in time whether all the parties, including our party, will agree to all the changes. We don't know, because the staff hasn't met yet. Our senior parliamentary assistant fully intended to honour the spirit of what we'd agreed to at the House leaders meeting.
I would challenge anyone to think that the logical time, the best time, for staff to meet to discuss something like this--which isn't pressing, because the deadline has been put off until November 21--wouldn't be next week when the House is in recess for a week, when they have additional time so they can get together and discuss this, as directed unanimously by the House leaders and the whips at the weekly House leaders meeting.
This motion really calls into question the very fact of whether we should continue to have House leaders meetings if an agreement we make there means nothing, and any one of us or any party can just therefore bring forward a motion that what we agreed to isn't satisfactory or decide that we're in a bit more of a hurry. I challenge why, all of a sudden, this is pressing--why we need to have these changes to the Standings Orders adopted forthwith, which runs contrary to the discussion we had and the agreement we had between all four parties.
That's why I submit that this is shameful, and in the 13 years I have been here, and I mean this with all sincerity--this isn't a political statement, Madam Redman, through you, Mr. Chairman because I want to try to keep this respectful--this is absolutely shameful.
And I would ask, through you, whether the official opposition House leader, Mr. Goodale, is aware of this motion. Does he condone that? It is the word of the official opposition House leader as well as that of the government House leader that are at stake here. If those two gentlemen are going to operate this House and try to manage the affairs of this House in concert with all members, all 308 members of Parliament, they have to operate on the basis of mutual trust and respect. So I'm led to believe that not only does Mr. Goodale, as the official opposition House leader, condone this, but he's behind it, since it's his name and his reputation that are at stake.
Now, if I wanted to try to run out the clock, I could filibuster this, because I'm so upset about it. I could filibuster this until the cows come home, as we like to say out west. But there are other members, as you pointed out at the start of this discussion. Everyone gets a chance to debate these types of things under the rules of our committee, and I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say about this.
As I said, it's not the substance of this. We had a clear agreement, and I stand to be corrected if that's not the case. If it's not the case, in fact, I would challenge, Mr. Chairman, that we had better start recording everything that is said and getting in writing everything that is said at the House leaders meetings.
That's all I have to say.