That may be a little humourous, but there is some seriousness to it. I don't know, I must be a slow runner, but whenever I run out of the justice building, the two buses have already left in tandem towards the House. It's just a little frustration for some of us over in the justice building. The service in 2006 was phenomenal. The drivers are phenomenal, but for some reason now it seems to be if you don't make the first bus, the second bus is two minutes behind it, and the third bus is 40 minutes behind it. This is just to make you aware of that.
But I will go to something a little more serious to do with budgets and members' budgets. We had a situation in Mississauga—Erindale a couple of months ago where one of our member's staff was hurt putting out a fire. His office was totally destroyed. So he's in a situation now where he's trying to re-establish an office and he's finding it very frustrating trying to do that. In the meantime, his constituents are not having access to his services.
I was talking to him last night, and he says right now he has to go and borrow chairs and tables from the local library to set up his office. He still hasn't got approval on Internet access. He still doesn't know where he stands on furniture, if he has to rent or buy furniture. He said the committee, which was established here to help him address that, has met for a couple of weeks, but still really hasn't come up with answers.
It's something that's probably new to you, Mr. Speaker. I just want to make you aware of that. We MPs outside of Ottawa sometimes face a lot of frustration in dealing here in Ottawa for services.
I use the example of my own office. When we were setting it up we had to basically do some internal walls in our offices, and our IT people were trying to get the IT people who were hired to put in the IT system to come and do it, which involved running some wires that any electrician could do, but of course they wouldn't let us do that.
We had to wait for six weeks. We finally got frustrated, said enough's enough, and went to put the walls up, put the Gyproc in. We thought, “Well, we'll do what we have to do when they decide to come”. And then somebody finally had the brainstorm that we could go with a wireless router in their office, and all of a sudden we don't need all this wiring.
It seemed to me, as a new member, there was a lot of confusion with staff in setting up MPs' offices and what they could or couldn't do. Again, it's just something that I'll highlight here and make you aware of.
As far as questions go, getting back to Mr. Dechert's situation, what process do you have in place for a situation like that, where a member's office gets destroyed, whether it's a fire or flood, or something like that? What is the proper process they're supposed to follow, and then which budget does it come out of?