That's the evidence that was presented before us. It may be the case that some members of this committee don't believe she was telling the truth. If that's the case, then it would be appropriate to add speculation in saying that they don't believe that's the truth. What would be appropriate is for the report back to the House of Commons to be something like this: We've collected evidence; however, we need more time to collect more evidence because we can't complete our work given the amount of evidence that is necessary to collect. We need, for example, to have someone go through and check the cabinet records to see whether or not this ever came up. That would be the kind of thing that would be done, and that would make the most sense.
There was nothing in the Speaker's ruling that said we must come back to him with an absolute, final report and we must consider absolutely everything. Given the importance of this matter, he was going to give us until the 25th to produce an initial report. It happens all the time that committees come along and issue what amounts to interim reports, and royal commissions do this too, of course. So that would be appropriate.
Of course, we all understand that there's a confidence vote today and that the 40th Parliament is likely to come to an end, be prorogued, but.... Sorry, not prorogued. That's--