I'm inviting Mr. Scott to contribute anything he may wish on this subject.
Look, we're having a debate here that I think misses the point. At the bottom of page 5 and the beginning of page 6, the commission devotes three paragraphs to the subject of invoking the extraordinary allowance beyond the 25% number, as permitted by the act. The commission recognizes that the act does not specify that you can have only one such riding per province. They go on and give some explanation and then say that the decision for Kenora is consistent with the emphasis of the act on manageable geographic size for sparsely populated rural northern regions. There is no need to make further use of the extraordinary circumstance rule.
There have been discussions about whether they're married to that. I would suggest to the committee that we'll find out whether they're married to it if we make a recommendation to them to change it. They either will accept the unanimous view of this panel of MPs, or they will say no, that they stand by what they said earlier. The way to find out is to ask them, and that's what I would encourage the committee to consider doing in its report.