My understanding is that under the amendments of part IV of the Telecommunications Act, there is a distinction between what's considered to be a violation and an offence. There are monetary penalties attached to both.
On a violation, which is the lighter of the two, my understanding is that the penalties could range anywhere from $1,500 to $15,000. If it's considered to be an offence, however, which I assume is something like the Pierre Poutine situation would be, monetary penalties are in the range of $10,000 to $250,000.
Could you give me some illustrations or examples of the difference between what would be considered to be an offence as opposed to a violation? Is there precision in the language in the Telecommunications Act that would clearly define the difference between the two, or is this a bit of a judgment call? If so, who makes that judgment call to determine if it is only an administrative violation or a more serious offence?
I'm a little confused about how one will actually determine the severity of the transgression.