If you recall, David, one of the problems we've had in the past, and particularly in leadership campaigns with respect to the Liberal Party, is unpaid loans. We still have loans going back to 2006, where they haven't contributed themselves but they've taken out loans and never paid them back, which in fact should be a de facto contribution. If nothing else, if that's going to continue, this at least allows the leadership contestant to contribute to his own campaign, and we get out of the loan business, at least up to that limit.
Now, some may argue that it's too much money. Leadership campaigns for a federal party cost a lot of money. Everyone knows that, so $25,000 I think is a legitimate threshold. You're probably going to spend far in excess of that if you're a serious candidate, but at least this gives an opportunity for a candidate at that level to kickstart it with a contribution of his own.
At the local level, frankly, I don't know how many candidates would contribute up to $5,000. Most battles are funded through contributions by supporters and everything else. I just think that these are acceptable amounts.