That sounds good.
Thank you for inviting me.
This brief presentation draws on my research into petitions systems in the U.K., including in Scotland and Wales.
Having an e-petitions system can be a good thing for representative democratic bodies. Such systems can facilitate citizens’ input and participation in the democratic process, they can inform politicians and policy-makers about public concerns, and they can also be designed to have an educative function, in that they can provide some people with an opportunity to engage with the political system and to learn how it works. They enable people’s voices to be heard and this may help underpin the legitimacy and functioning of representative institutions and the policies they implement.
In terms of outcomes, while e-petitions systems tend to specify exactly what petitioners can achieve by submitting a petition, there are other benefits to petitioners. For example by getting their e-petition published on the petitions’ website they’re getting publicity for their issue and promoting it to a wider audience. They’re automatically getting an outcome even if it is not an issue requested in the petition. In addition there's sometimes media interest in the issues raised and the public in the U.K. can watch any debates on petitions online.
In the U.K.'s e-petitions system there are two thresholds that may take place. If a petition receives 10,000 signatures it should receive a response from the relevant government department. If it reaches the 100,000-signature threshold it becomes eligible for debate.
Scotland and Wales have quite different systems. I can say something about those if you wish.
The e-petitions system introduced in the U.K. by the coalition government is one of direct access, which means that anyone who's a British citizen or resident in the U.K. can submit a petition directly to the e-petitions system. There is no requirement to have a sponsoring member of Parliament.
In the first three years of the U.K. e-petitions system it received approximately 53,500 petitions, of which 28,500 were admissible in that they met the terms and conditions of the system. Out of these, debates have been held on 25 petitions and 145 received a response from the relevant government department.
My research on petition systems in the U.K. illustrates there are a number of features that might usefully be taken into account when designing an e-petitions system. While these vary with the age and scope of the particular system they might include for example a clear statement of purpose. What is the purpose of the system? Is it for people to communicate their views to members of Parliament? Is it for engagement, or something else?
There is a need to manage expectations by making it clear to petitioners what they can and cannot achieve by submitting a petition, and a need to be clear about the possible range of outcomes for petitions. It's also necessary to consider the type of access to the petitions. Will the system have direct access, so that anyone who is eligible to submit a petition is able to do so in a straightforward manner, or indirect access, where a petitioner will need to find an MP to sponsor the petition? It's worth considering what thresholds you might use.
These are a few things you might wish to think about. Thank you.