Absolutely, and there's an irony, in that it's regions like ours that have some of the most vulnerable communities in the country and also some of the worst access to Internet in terms of the ability of people to live their daily lives, whether it's telehealth, accessing government services or, right now during the crisis, for kids doing their school work, or whether it's our work as members of Parliament.
We have to ensure, much like we do in normal times, that there is fair regional representation. We do that in terms of our budgets and within our parties, but let's be clear that in this time of crisis it's critical that we see a virtual Parliament as the only way we can ensure regional access.
If I could, for just one moment, I'll respond to the earlier comment by a Liberal colleague that here we are, asking about Internet for everybody. I am proud to talk about the need—the desperate need—for equal access to Internet for everybody. To be honest, I think it's very elitist that we as members of Parliament just talk about what we as individuals need, when in fact the barriers we face are a reflection of the barriers that our constituents, our neighbours and our families face in our regions.
I don't think it's out of the ordinary at all, or out of the realm of possibility at all, for a country as wealthy as Canada to invest in the infrastructure needed now for there to be equal access to Internet for all. This crisis is a wake-up call. Let's step up in this moment in time and make this possible for everybody, including MPs.