I certainly can. I can tell you what we hope it's going to look like. After this meeting is finished, I will turn on my Twitter feed with a certain amount of trepidation to see how the members got on.
Essentially, it is built using systems that our members already have. We have an online system for tabling parliamentary questions and motions, so that's secure. We know how to run it and how to support it. It simply has a function that, put most simply, when there is vote, MPs will get a text and an email telling them to check into the MemberHub portal. When they open that—they may have it open already—there will be a banner saying, “Vote now in progress”. You click on that, and that will take you to a screen telling you what the question is. You click “Aye” or “No”. You get a second check saying, “Are you really sure you want to vote 'Aye' or 'No'?”, and you go ahead and click that. You then get a confirmation that you have voted and how you have voted.
We will then take those results and publish them, as we do now. There will be the usual checks by the House staff, and then once we are content the numbers work, they will be announced by the Speaker and published online.
That's the plan anyway.