That's not a bad idea, but I think we can make it quick. From what you have submitted so far, it looks like there are two recommendations from the Conservatives, 15 or more from the Liberals, and a similar number from the NDP and the Bloc as well.
A lot of the recommendations—I've been looking through them and the different sections—are lining up. Some need some discussion, I'm sure. What I'm trying to say is that maybe I can pose the question to the different parties as to whether you envision many changes to be made to this recommendations portion, because if you don't envision hardly any changes or you're just amalgamating certain recommendations, then essentially this version of the report doesn't change at all, even if we do go into having to sit for one or two additional hours tomorrow. I don't see how it really changes the essence of this report or the recommendations that the parties have put forward.
Is there any discussion on that?
Mr. Richards, you have a discussion point on that.
Ms. Blaney, it seems like you might want to say something. Do you envision perhaps adding more recommendations or that the report will look a lot different between today and tomorrow?