As was alluded to, there are several jurisdictions that have codes to govern member-to-member behaviour, and I think the vast majority of them deliberately and explicitly exclude what goes on in the chamber and in committees. The goal in that, I think, is to protect the privileges of members in their deliberative functions and to ensure that any situations that arise in those forums are dealt with according to the procedures and the rules in those forums. There is a Speaker, who is responsible for ensuring decorum in the chamber; there is a chair, who's responsible for maintaining decorum in a committee; and there are processes by which the House can sanction misconduct, should it occur in those forums.
The vast majority of codes that other legislatures have adopted have deliberately carved that out with, I think, the fear of what.... Would members welcome, for example, outside investigation into what goes on during proceedings? I guess that's the question members have to decide on in considering that.