Thank you, Madam Chair and honourable members, for your invitation to appear today as part of the study on hybrid proceedings.
As mentioned, I'm an otolaryngologist and neuro-otologist at the Ottawa Hospital, and assistant professor at the university. My clinical and research foci are mainly on the inner ear, encompassing everything from hearing disorders to dizziness and balance disorders. I've been in practice for almost 10 years.
Dr. Fournier stole some of my thunder. You'll see on the list of references that I posted for you guys that his work with the AIIC is one of the references. It's the report from last year.
Over the past two years, there's been a widespread adoption of virtual meetings in all fields of life. There have been some publications and media entries specifically about parliamentary interpreters suffering from something called acoustic shock injury.
ASI has not been specifically defined, but it is described as a phenomenon occurring in people who do jobs requiring prolonged periods of concentrated hearing and attention, usually through headsets, and who can be subjected to sudden and unexpected loud noise spikes. Examples of these occupations include air traffic control workers, military radio and communication operators and call centre operators, all of which I have experience working with. Very similar symptoms occur in anybody exposed to prolonged periods of noise exposure—such as first responders, police and industrial workers—and/or intense but short-duration noise spikes, such as people using chainsaws, power tools and firearms.
In my practice, I simply referred to these patients as having noise damage or acoustic trauma, and did not necessarily label them in the past as having ASI. Most likely, this is a case of medical professionals in different fields labelling the same problem with different names.
Examples of these loud noise spikes include feedback loops, sudden changes in volume, acoustic pops, tapping on the microphone and other things happening around the speaker and the microphone. I'm sure we've all experienced this over the last few years. Many of us have likely encountered these sounds many times before.
Symptoms of ASI can range from mild to severe and from temporary to chronic. They can include tinnitus, which is an intrusive or ringing noise in the ear; hyperacusis, which is sensitivity to noise; oral fullness, which is the feeling of plugging or pressure in the ear, like when you are on an airplane; and ear pain. More severe and chronic cases can have symptoms like headaches, nausea, dizziness and balance dysfunction. It's recognized that ASI can also cause psychological distress, including sleep disorders, anxiety and depressive symptoms.
From what I've read in the media, there currently seems to be a not insignificant portion of parliamentary interpreters who are suffering from or who are off work due to symptoms of ASI right now.
ASI was first coined, from what I can tell, in Australia in the early 2000s by audiologists. There was no real, clear publication regarding ASI until Myriam Westcott published in 2006. There is a large body of evidence on noise damage and its resulting short- and long-term symptoms. There's long-standing legislation surrounding at-work exposure to loud noise levels at both the federal and provincial levels. There are well-established mechanisms of compensation for on-the-job sufferers of noise injury through agencies like the WSIB.
Despite all of this, there has not been much research on ASI specifically, especially in the literature outside of audiology. Most recently, as I mentioned, Dr. Philippe Fournier published a project that highlighted the high prevalence of ASI in interpreting staff around the world. In fact, Canada ranked 13th out of 81 countries surveyed in the number of interpreters currently suffering with ASI, which is not great. This publication includes a call to action, steps for interpreting staff to safeguard against ASI and a call for further research.
To that end, I would recommend that the government send afflicted interpreters for full audiological, otological and psychological assessment and management—