Thank you very much. I'm happy to provide an answer to that question.
In fact, I am going to quote briefly from the commission's own report, which said:
In general terms, the presenters who were in favour of a Saskatoon Centre riding argued that it would recognize a community of interest that is, to some extent, particular to this central urban area. As indicated in the Proposal, these interests include unique concerns relating to infrastructure for transportation, the development of the downtown core, issues faced by at-risk populations and distinct issues faced by Indigenous people, whose population in Saskatoon is concentrated in the neighbourhoods inside Circle Drive.
That's from the commission itself, which also recognized that there are unique challenges faced in the urban core, including challenges with respect to transit, housing, homelessness and things of that nature, which are similar to the challenges for folks who are living in the core.
I come from Winnipeg. Two rivers run through the city, so I'm very familiar with how rivers can be important boundaries—political boundaries and psychological boundaries—and can help organize behaviour. I also know that sometimes, when you're talking about the nature of political representation, although folks don't think of themselves necessarily as having a community of interest because of a divide, like a river, the kinds of issues they face are nevertheless very similar. Therefore, the work that a political representative would do would have more coherence straddling that divide, because they would be speaking to similar issues, even if folks perceived them in a slightly different way.
Again, this is part of the balancing act that commissions have to do. Sometimes those things, like a river, are going to be a really significant boundary, and other times, some of those other concerns are going to weigh into that.
I appreciate the difficult work the commission has to do. Clearly, its members didn't initially think that the river was such an important boundary that it couldn't be crossed. It was their proposal, after all, to have a Saskatoon centre riding.
I'm here today to speak on behalf of folks who simply think that the commission should stick to its original proposal for the reason I mentioned, which is that the needs are similar enough that the kinds of political work and representation an elected member would engage in would pair well.
That's what I'm here to say.