Coming back to that question, the national campaign directors of each party are the ones who hear back from the candidates and the organizers across the country. They take into account what they're hearing, especially the unusual facts they're hearing on the ground in different ridings. Those people would come to the committee, I believe, with a wealth of knowledge about where the committee might want to look and what it might want to look at in investigating foreign interference.
Right now we're talking about potential financial foreign interference, passing money through intermediaries or directly, and the question of whether nominations need to be governed by Elections Canada. The national campaign chairs would probably have opinions on that.
I feel it's very important that the committee call representatives of the Liberals and the Conservatives, but also of the NDP and the Bloc Québécois. That way, everyone will share their perspective on the issue, which is quite interesting.
There's then the question of bringing the parties' representatives to the security and intelligence threats to elections task force before the committee. Again, these were the people who were given security clearance. These were the people who were told they had a job to interface with the threats through the elections task force.
They would share the perspective of how they were communicated with, where they felt they should have been communicated with at an earlier time and what they think the thresholds should be for that type of communication. Maybe those thresholds, as we saw in the report we recently received from the retired civil servant, were not at the right levels. There were a lot of good recommendations in that report that these people would be able to add on to if they come before the PROC committee and are given the opportunity to share their recommendations. I believe it's valuable to receive that perspective from each and every one of the different parties, not just two of the four recognized parties in the House of Commons.
Finally, Madam Chair, as I wind up my remarks, the main issue here is that there are many different multi-faceted ways in which we need to deal with election interference. Election interference will not be countered by only one intelligence service or by only one way of going about it.
I strongly support the foreign lobbyist registry, which is now being consulted on by Public Safety and Minister Mendicino. I strongly support NSICOP looking into the threats we faced in 2019 and 2021 and making recommendations.
I strongly believe we need to continue to have a non-partisan group of civil servants who warn politicians. We probably need to have a better ability for all people running in elections to be warned by either Elections Canada or CSIS as to what threats they may face in an election campaign.
All of these things are looking forward. The main thing I would leave the committee with is that we need to look forward as to how we improve on what is there now and how we do it in a way that each and every one of us, from all parties, can agree upon and feel we're adding to something by doing it.
I'm confident that this group of parliamentarians with representatives from all political parties, colleagues whom I respect very much, will be able to come to a good understanding.
Madam Chair, thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak this evening.