We have data. We have information. It could come from different partners.
That information is used by intelligence analysts to create intelligence. You have one report that would speak to something specific we know.
A compilation of these reports, those building blocks, plus any other information, like open-source information, information from our allies or information from other intelligence services is then used by our specialists, our experts, and they will produce what we call an intelligence assessment, to try to paint a picture of a situation.
I think that was the July document that was referred to earlier.
The IMU, issues management note, is a tool. Given the fact that there's so much information and there are so many moving parts in our system, we have put in place this tool to draw the attention of different people, sometimes ministers but often the rest of the bureaucracy, to something we want to draw attention to. It may not contain any intelligence; it may just be something that is happening that we want to be mindful of.