Thank you, Madam Chair. I would also like to thank the ministers for being here with their staff today.
I'm going to waste no time since I have seven questions. With the little time I have, you won't be able to answer all seven. So I'm going to read them all at once, and I'd like to get some answers in writing to those you can't answer today.
My first question concerns Canada Summer Jobs. The process for granting summer jobs is currently underway. This involves a budget of $107 million for the third year. It has been $107 million for the past three years. It hasn't budged. I'd like to understand one thing. The cities, like Montreal, had a specific budget for summer jobs. This year in Montreal, the jobs that were taken over by the city were directed to the constituencies. That means that for each of the constituencies, approximately 30 jobs encroach on the budgets of the constituencies concerned, that is between 30 and 35 jobs. I'd like to know whether you have cut the city's budget. Will these jobs have to be taken into account by the constituencies? If so, will it be acknowledged that this is a major cut to the budgets, since the city's budget has been cut?
My second question concerns the New Horizons for Seniors Program. Budget 2010 provides for an additional $10 million for this program. And yet, when we look at the situation, the total budget is $26 million, which was already the case. Are we talking about an additional $10 million, or is that amount already included in the total of $26 million? I'd like someone to give us an answer to sort out this issue. Again with regard to the New Horizons for Seniors Program, the budget allocated for Quebec represents 17% of the overall budget. Is there a reason why Quebec does not have a share of the budget proportionate to its population, that is to say approximately 23%? That's six percentage points less than the percentage that should be allocated to it.
There's something else. There are three major items in this budget, one of which concerns awareness. Only 4.3% of the amounts in this budget are allocated to Quebec. I'd like to understand why so little is being allocated to Quebec.
My fourth point concerns the Guaranteed Income Supplement. It will be remembered that, last summer—this probably also occurred in your own ridings—a number of citizens contacted us to say their Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits had declined by 4% to 20%. That was directly related to an increase on January 1, 2008. Are we to understand that the funds allocated to the Guaranteed Income Supplement declined as a result of a planned increase in the CPP and QPP in 2010? This is in your $200 million budget in 2009 under the Main Estimates. This is like the rising tide lifting all boats. I'd like you to inform us about that.
With regard to the Accessibility Fund, the Main Estimates grant nothing to that fund. As we understand it, you are terminating it. Would it be possible for you to provide us with a list and all the information concerning the constituencies that have received funding under this fund and to indicate to us the nature of the projects? A number of projects were not forwarded to us on the ground that they were not being carried out, but I now believe we are in our third year and the budgets authorized should be in the process of implementation.
With regard to the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers, it appears the budget was only $7.8 million in 2009, in the middle of the economic crisis. Do you have the figures on the number of workers we were able to help with that amount?
I will conclude my questions with this one. What are we to understand of the restriction measures that you are applying to programs for illiteracy and essential skills enhancement? We're trying to analyze the causes of poverty and we know that the illiteracy program is one of the measures that can help people emerge from poverty. In 2007, the budget was $48 million and it was cut to $28 million, and now you are preparing to cut it to $21.5 million in 2010. How are we to understand this kind of measure when we are in a process of committing to helping people emerge from poverty? I'll stop there for the moment, Madam Chair.