Thanks very much, Ms. Hoeppner.
Good morning. Thank you for this opportunity to provide information to you regarding adoption in Canada.
This is a summary presentation. I will focus on the questions related to domestic adoption only.
The issues regarding adoption are very complex and multi-faceted. They involve policy, services, data, and research. I will highlight only the key issues that would pertain to federal leadership.
As you know, adoption is part of a continuum of family-based care options for children from birth to 17 years, which includes foster care, kinship care, guardianship, fostering with a view to adopt, open adoption, subsidized adoption, and custom care in aboriginal communities.
There has been progress in building this continuum of care for children who require out-of-home care, and there is growing consensus and emerging research support around key foundational principles. Those principles are: children are unique and require an individualized response to their needs; children require a connection through family to their race, culture, and identity; and children require a sense of belonging--love--within stable and predictable relationships in order to thrive.
We know that across Canada there are insufficient families available for children who require out-of-home care. Despite the heroic efforts of many individuals, families, and child welfare organizations, increasing numbers of children are growing up in unsuitable placements without access to family relationships, belonging, and pride in who they are, and without any permanence in their lives. Rather, these children are growing up in overcrowded homes, shelters, or, even worse, hotel rooms with temporary workers looking after them.
Further, we know there are unresolved conflicts between aboriginal groups and child welfare services about the best approaches to caring for aboriginal children who require adoption.
In this presentation this morning, I will attempt to address the two questions under consideration by this committee: that is, the current situation regarding adoption in Canada, and the potential for a federal leadership role. I will conclude with a number of recommendations for your consideration.
First, I will address the current situation. The situation regarding adoption in Canada was recently studied by the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights, chaired by the Honourable Raynell Andreychuk. Their exhaustive final report, “Children: The Silenced Citizens”, was released in April 2007. There is an entire chapter devoted to adoption and identity. Their conclusion, on page 109, was that “the Committee calls on governments across Canada to recognize and address the adoption crisis in this country, particularly in the case of Aboriginal children”.
The Child Welfare League of Canada agrees with this conclusion and with the recommendations made by the committee. The fact of the matter is that the situation regarding out-of-home care in Canada has been inadequate, under-resourced, fragmented, and struggling for many years. It has been so for most of my 41 years of experience working in the child welfare system, and it's my continuing observation today.
This does not diminish the reality that there are stellar examples of innovation, creativity, and development of best practices, but they tend to be localized or not well supported or replicated: things like foster/adopt programs, subsidized adoption programs, and the adoption programs in provinces like Alberta and New Brunswick.
In my view, a continuum of family-based care has never been developed in Canada, and this perspective is commonly shared by child welfare professionals and substantiated in the limited research that's available.
Some of the Senate committee findings were as follows: an estimated 76,000 children in care in 2007; over 22,000 awaiting adoption; fewer than 1,700 adopted annually in Canada; and more than 50% of the children awaiting adoption are aboriginal. Although updated national data is not available, it is likely that these estimates are still valid, and with the effect of the global economic recession, numbers will most likely have increased.
The most recent data on child welfare services in Canada is the Canadian incidence study on reported child abuse and neglect. It is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada as part of the national child health surveillance program. It indicated that 235,000 cases of child maltreatment were investigated in 2008, and this number was really unchanged from the previous five-year reporting period in 2003.
Let's turn to the federal responsibility in this area. Canada is quite different from the United States in the implementation of child welfare services. In the U.S. there is a more direct federal responsibility for legislation policy and funding. In Canada federal participation is more indirect through measures such as the Canada social transfer, the CST, and monitoring through the social union framework agreement. As we know, provinces therefore have much greater autonomy. However, these are important instruments, both the CST and SUFA, available to the federal government in terms of exercising more leadership.
That takes me right to the recommendations. The recommendations for the federal government are to continue to provide leadership in this area, and from our perspective there are five of them.
First is the establishment of a knowledge exchange centre on family-based care. This would be a federally supported centre that would have the mandate of promoting exchange of information and best practices across Canada, support policy research and training, and of course assist in the collection of national data.
Second is with regard to the social union framework. It is to improve the current capacity at SUFA regarding monitoring, measuring of outcomes, and reporting in child welfare data.
I'm going to quickly mention the final couple of them. Third is to establish a federal child and youth advisory committee, an advisory committee comprised of young people themselves, 12 to 18 years of age, who are really going to speak with the power of a child's voice in this regard.