That takes care of item two.
Item three has to do with meeting without a quorum. You can just read through it. This primarily deals with receiving evidence particularly when you have witnesses “provided that at least four members are present, including one member from each recognized party”. So that would sort of address your concerns.
The second paragraph reads:
In the case of previously scheduled meetings taking place outside the parliamentary precinct, the committee members in attendance shall only be required to wait for 15 minutes following the designated start of the meeting before they may proceed to hear witnesses and receive evidence, regardless of whether opposition or government members are present.
I would only assume that if you have a meeting outside of Ottawa and the witnesses attend but the members don't, you will still proceed with hearing the evidence.
Can I get a mover for that motion?
That is moved by Colin Mayes.
(Motion agreed to) [See Minutes of Proceedings]
Let's go to number four.
Now, this one is always a bit interesting. I'll maybe preface with some of my own remarks. I know there have been some discussions as well on this one, which has to do with the time for opening remarks and questioning of witnesses.
It begins as follows: “That the witnesses from any one organization shall be allowed five to ten minutes, at the discretion of the chair, to make their opening statements”.
My view would be that if we had two panels in one hour, we would probably limit the witnesses to five minutes. But if we had one panel for a whole hour, we'd probably go with the ten minutes, and then something in between if it seemed necessary.
It goes on to say:
During the questioning of witnesses there shall be five minutes allocated to each questioner; and that the order of questions for the first and subsequent rounds of questioning shall be as follows:
That would be Conservative, NDP, Conservative, NDP, Conservative, and Liberal, and equally at five minutes.
I would entertain a mover and a seconder for that motion, and then we can have a discussion.
That is moved by Phil, seconded by Brad.
Is there any discussion?
Carol, and then I think Jean is next.