I'll start the reply.
First of all, I'm looking at these definitions, and I was especially struck when Deanna was talking about the CPP definition. Our income security system has come through almost 100 years of growth, and it seems that each program and definition corresponds to the era in which it was brought in. We don't have to do much historical or archeological work, because the programs are all still with us, alive and well, with the same definitions.
We went through that era, from 1940 to 1966, when our answer to every program need was to have a payroll tax: to put in a program and take money off people's pay. We stopped doing that in 1966. We moved over to tax credits in 1978, and I don't think that, since 1978, there has been any new program in the income security system that hasn't been built through the tax system.
I think one of the things we have to do is, first of all, take stock and say, okay, the first disability program in my home province of Ontario was for workers' safety and insurance—workers' compensation—in 1914, and here we are, 104 years later, and we have various payroll tax programs that have an insurance principle. The insurance principle, of course, is insuring you against the hazard of having a disability. Just as we buy fire insurance to protect us against the hazard of having a fire, we are protecting against the hazard of having a disability. Therefore, you get a definition that completely relates to the insurance principle, yet we have others through the tax system, such as the disability tax credit, that relate to our taxation system.
As we take a more comprehensive approach and look at 10 very different definitions that have evolved over the last 104 years, at least in Ontario's case, I think we need to put a stake in the ground and say, “Okay, what is the modern definition of disability?”
We know that more and more disabilities are episodic, and we know that in the future more and more disabilities are going to be episodic. Because we're an aging society and have had advances in medicine and in therapy, and because we also have many more ways of keeping people alive, through those various therapies they're able to have an episodic disability as opposed to a permanent chronic situation. Most of our definitions relate to the chronic era, when all of our disabilities were prolonged in that way.
I think if we take stock and look at what the good, relevant evidence tells us, we would start to try to move towards a common definition in all of the programs that would reflect the idea of the words we now use, which are “people with disabilities”—as opposed to “the disabled”, which is a 100%, all-encompassing definition. That is who you are: you're a disabled person. There's nothing else that you are.
Once you say “people with disabilities” or “persons with disabilities”, you start to say that you're a person first, and then you either have a chronic lifetime disability.... There is a continuum of disabilities. Rather than recognizing only a small part of that spectrum, as you've heard today from people with lived experience, we would start looking at that broad spectrum of disabilities and looking at compensating the person in that regard, as opposed to the disability itself.