Thank you, Mr. Chair.
From what we've heard, or at least what I've heard from the witnesses in terms of what they think should change from what we have presently in the legislation, there are three things.
Number one, they were of the view that the legislation we now have applies from the point that the application is filed and not necessarily from the point where the work is commenced for a fee, and they feel that there is some need for correction in that area.
Two, they feel there should be some provision for disclosing that a person is being paid for providing a service of some kind, and imposing that as an obligation.
And three, they feel there needs to be in the legislation a specific offence with respect to unauthorized practice.
I hear from Mr. Sloan that there is present legislation regarding counselling misrepresentation or misrepresentation itself, or other existing provisions of a criminal nature that the RCMP spoke about. Is there any reason legislation couldn't be introduced to add an offence to the current provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act addressing unauthorized practice and improper practice and specifying a fine or punishment for anyone who commits the offence of unauthorized practice? It seems to me that law societies have in their provincial legislation specific provision for prosecuting, if you want to call it that, those who practise without authorization, having a penalty to it.
We don't have that specific kind of legislation in IRPA. Could we?