In Sri Lanka, for example, you can say that between 1982 and 1986, hostilities on both sides were rising; today in Sri Lanka we have people who were arrested during the civil war last year. There are reports that people were executed. So the situation is very fluid and it changes daily, which goes to the point that I also want to ask you, sir. That is, somebody comes to Canada and claims refugee status from a particular country because they fear for their life; they fear persecution because they've got different political views. When this person comes the time the hearing starts and by the time the hearing finishes, if they have the right to appeal, it might take two or three years, and sometimes even longer. From that time, sir, the situation in that country changes daily, so a decision that is made today for somebody in Sri Lanka, to the time they're removed two years from now...things change. These people should have the right to appeal.
When you apply for Canada pension disability benefits, when you apply for EI, when you apply for anything else in Canada, if the first level refuses you, you have the right to appeal. Why should you or anybody else in this room refuse these people the same right to appeal as other Canadians are enjoying? Is it because they're not Canadians that they shouldn't have the right to appeal?